How do I get paid by SpareMusic?

You'll need to provide us with the necessary information before we can make a payment!

Updated over a week ago

You've started getting paid for your streams, you're due your first payment from SpareMusic and want to tell us where to send it. Great. Let's go through how to do this.

Provide us with your Payment Information

Before we can pay you, we'll need to know where we should make the payment. If you navigate to "Royalties" at the top and click "Payment Settings", you'll be able to provide us with your payment method information. At the moment we can pay you via:

  • PayPal

  • Wire Transfer (US)

  • Wire Transfer (International)

  • ACH (US Only)

  • eCheck

All of our payments are handled by Tipalti and each method is subject to their own fees and thresholds. You can learn more about those here.

Provide us with a Tax Form

The IRS requires that we hold a tax form for any individual/company we make a payment to. You'll need to fill out the tax form that is right for you. This will either be a W8 or a W9 form.

You can read more about this process here.

Verify your Information

Sometimes we (or our payment provider Tipalti) will need to verify the information you send us. This can take us a bit of time so please be patient. We won't be able to pay you until this process is complete.

What happens next?

Once you've provided all of your information, on the next payment day (normally around the 10th of the month) we'll make a payment to you.

Please note that we don't send payments outside of this schedule. Sending payments is expensive and time-consuming, we like to keep everything to a minimum!

What happens if I provide information and I still don't get paid?

There can a number of reasons why this has happened. Here's a few off the top of my head:

  • Your tax form was invalid and therefore we couldn't pay you.

  • The information you provided us required further information. You'll get an email from our payment provider Tipalti if this is the case.

  • You didn't meet the minimum threshold for your payment method.

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