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12 articles
How can I claim and verify my Spotify for Artists profile?Login to Spotify for Artists and you can get the process going!
My release isn't appearing in Spotify For ArtistsIt can take up to 24 - 48 hours after we've submitted the release for it to appear.
How can I get Spotify Canvas?It's still in beta - we'll let you know as soon as you can get it!
How much does it cost to make a VEVO Channel?We charge $49.99 per channel registered.
How do I make my VEVO channel an Official Artist Channel?It is not possible to make a VEVO channel an Official Artist Channel.
How can I update my avatar and banner on my VEVO channel?We can help! Just make sure it meets the requirements
How do I upload a VEVO Video?We'll need some information off you to upload the video.
How do I setup a premier on my VEVO upload?Send us a ticket - just note we need 72 hours notice.