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Upload Defaults

Upload defaults are a great way to streamline your release process.

Updated over 4 months ago

Upload Defaults make it easier than ever to manage your releases by pre-filling key details for every new release. Whether you’re an artist or a label, setting up defaults saves you time and ensures consistency across your catalog.

Release Defaults

Release defaults are settings that allow you to establish preferred options for core release attributes. Once set, these defaults will be automatically pre-filled every time you create a new release, making the process faster and reducing repetitive data entry. Here’s what you can configure:

  • Metadata Language

  • Genre

  • Stores

  • Label

You can set defaults for any or all of these fields and leave others blank if you prefer. For example, if you want all your future releases to be available on every store except Spotify, simply click “Select All” under Stores, then uncheck Spotify. Next time you create a release, Spotify will already be excluded.

Contributor Defaults

From this page, you can also set up default contributors for the tracks you upload to Spare Music. This allows you to automatically include contributors each time you create a new track, saving you time and ensuring accuracy. You can set defaults for:

  • Writers & Publishers

  • Performers

  • Additional Contributors (e.g. Producers, Graphic Designers, etc.)

Add as many contributors as needed in each category. For example, if you always collaborate with the same producer or consistently write your own lyrics, you can list them as defaults here.

The next time you upload a track, these contributors will be automatically included.

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